Sometimes when feeling disconnected from yourself, you might find it best to just be and breathe.
The breath is a magical dynamic. It can help you stay anchored in the centre of your being. But not only does it bring you balance from within – it also gives you strength for openness.
A wonderful attribute of the breath is that it is an engine for connecting all of life. Humans, animals and plants cooperate in creating a healthy balance of organic life.
What you inhale is what other beings have offered into the collective space, and what you exhale is your own contribution to that space.
This is why many eastern traditions have regarded the breath as a giver of Life. Not only does it provide oxygen – it also provides inner life. It fills your mind with spiritual energy, so you become mind-full, says Neale Donald Walsch.
So perhaps we should be as mind-full as we can be. In order to stay as open and as receptive as possible for the world – the Mystery of Existence – to guide us towards our next step.